Someone married their sister?!

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Dr. John Nay
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Someone married their sister?!

Post by Dr. John Nay »

It doesn't take long to discover that it is not a question of who Cain married, but the fact that someone must have married their sister (as all living decended from Adam and Eve). This topic also relates directing to the origin of the races. Please feel free to share your ideas whatever they might be relative to this topic.
Last edited by Dr. John Nay on Sat Jun 07, 2003 11:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Post by xot »

a recent tv program said that the mother of all was a woman from the area that is now Egypt....does this fit with the Garden of Eden account in anyway?

Post by Guest »

After studying several different creation accounts, I am beginning to beleive that it is a good idea to be as delusional as you can.
Maybe there were more than one Eves and when Cain was sent out into the land he just married his step-sister, or something or other.

Cain married his sister

Post by lackhack »

wouldn't it be a breakthrough research project?
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Dr. John Nay
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Someone Married Their Sister!

Post by Dr. John Nay »

If one uses the Bible to determine what is or isn't true, someone did marry their sister. Genesis 3:20 says that Eve would become the mother of all the living. The Bible does not condemn marrying a close relative until Leviticus, chapter 18. This is approximately 2,555 years after the creation. When God finished the creation He said it was "very good". The Hebrew here says literally "exceedingly good". Man was initially designed to live eternally in the physical body. When sin entered, Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, cherubim (angels) were stationed and a flaming sword to guard the way to the tree of life lest they eat thereof and live forever (Genesis 3:22-24). Once sin entered the world the Second Law of Thermodynamic was established which opened the door for genetic mutations (result of radiation, chemicles, ancestral pool). After the Flood of Genesis, chapters 6-9, this buildup of damaged genes greatly increased as the protective canopy of Genesis 1:6-8 was no longer in place. This eventually resulted in God establishing laws relative to what we refer to as incest. Sooooooooo, initially someone did marry their sister. However, this was not against God's laws and was not a problem genetically. :D
Scott Kramer

agree with them

Post by Scott Kramer »

I beleive that God is just flexible enough to give us his word, so that we can develop a personal relationship with him. Of course with our human minds, we will never be able to fully understand what the exact truth is. Therefore, Father gives us the freedom through Jesus Christ to become like him. This comes with a little bit of power as well. What God and Jesus beleived was the truth. Therefore, as adopted sons of God, what we beleive may be the truth. We just need to stop arguing with each other and ourselves and forbear one another in love. Gird your sword, thus saith the Lord.
In Christ


Post by button66 »

lackhack wrote:wouldn't it be a breakthrough research project?
Okay but i dont that will suit everyone.


Post by Bryanna8926 »

Well that is definatly a differant way of doing it, not good, not bad....just differant.
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