Answer: All things were created by Christ (John 1:1-3 & 14 cf. Colossians 1:16-17).
When did they live?
Answer: God created sea and air dinosaurs on the fifth day of creation (Genesis 1:20-23) and land dinosaurs on the sixth day (Genesis 1:24-25).
Note: Human footprints have been found extensively in the same strata (layer) with dinosaur tracks.
Were they dangerous?
Answer: No (At least not initially)
Explanation: When one compares Genesis 1:29-30 with Genesis 9:3 it is quite clear that God?s plan was for both man and animals to be herbivorous, i.e. eat just veggies - no whoppers

We read in Genesis 1:31, "And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day." (NIV)
Well, just how good is very good with God anyway?
Answer: I suggest that very good with God is perfect!
Who named the animals?
Answer: Right! Adam (Genesis 2:19-20)
Explanation: In my minds eye I do not see Adam standing there with a whip, a chair, and a .44 magnum on his hip with Eve backing him with a 30.06 rifle and scope as he named all the animals. You see it was all VERY GOOD (until sin entered the world). The term, "Dinosaur" did not come about until the beginning of the 19th century. It means "Terrible Lizard". I don't believe that Adam would name anything that God created a "terrible" anything.
What purpose would they serve?
Answer: Glorify God (Colossians 1:17)
Control vegetation before the Flood?
As a result of the water-vapor canopy (Gen. 1:6-8) there was extensive vegetation before the Flood. The millions, and perhaps a billion or more dinosaurs may have had something to do the control of the extensive vegetation.
The need for petroleum?
Perhaps in God?s scheme of things He provided Petroleum (oil) for man. (Have you ever wondered why "Dino" the dinosaur is on the Sinclair Service Station signs?)
To make a point with Job?
In Job 40:15ff., God points out some very large beast (possibly a dinosaur) to make a point with Job.
Were they on the Ark?
Answer: Yes (Genesis 7:8)
Explanation: There was plenty of room on the Ark, i.e. over 1,500,000 cubic feet; the equivalent storage space of 522 railroad boxcars! Also, dinosaurs would not have to have been be full grown.
What happened to them?
Answer: They stepped off the Ark into a world vastly different than the world before the Flood.
Explanation: Earth was now no longer protected by the water-vapor canopy of Genesis 1:6-8. Deserts and glacial regions are not very suitable for the survival of dinosaurs in any great number. (I have an article on a huge dinosaur fossil found in the Sahara Desert. At one time this desert wasn?t a desert.)
Does the Bible speak of dinosaurs after the Flood?
Answer: Probably Yes
Explanation: Read Job 40:15-19 carefully. Some Bibles have notes on this passage. Check what the notes say with the passage and see what you think.
Are dinosaurs extinct?
Answer: ?
Explanation: There have been many sighting throughout the world (both in sea & land) of creatures that resemble dinosaurs.